Tuesday, December 19, 2006
the one about why i love rain...
Back to work.. IN PEACE!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Go to Bed la...
I'm hoping to blade tomorrow. Give me sun please!
Bye and night (or should it be morning?)
the one about the Cannery opening party...
I went to the newly opened Cannery on Friday, for those who have yet to been there and wants to go, I'll say 'DO IT'. I managed to sneak into the opening party to look see look see and like most opening party there was free flow drinks and many many celebrities but none really worth mentioning!
Cannery is great! I think it will be the new place to be seen and have fun...
There's 3 new theme bar and club namely Clinic Bar, Fashion Bar and Barfly(no pictures again coz my phone's camera has no flash and it suck!!!).
Fashion Bar has an all silver interior, saw a drumset and big speakers but no one was singing, so music type = unsure. Very upmarket feel.
Barfly feels like velvet. Dark dark interior, comfy looking dark red seats and gothic-looking diamond chandelier. Also very upmarket feel.
My favourite among the 3 bars is definitely Clinic Bar... It's the largest among the 3 and has the MOS Concept - main arena linking to many other smaller rooms. Designed with the word futuristic in mind, its fits the bill perfectly. Step into the main arena, you will see this huge white inverted U structure that keeps flashing happy colorful holograhpic image, keeps me entertained just by watching it. There's also this area with really comfy sofa seats that if you sit in a certain position it almost feels like slouching at home. towards the end of the night, i just sat there on those seats and stared at the screen, while the rest continued dancing.
Besides this comfy seat area, there's another area that is designed like a clinic. Super cute, we sat on wheelchairs, there's operating theather that sort of lamps as spotlight for the DJ and operating tables, very innovative concept.
Everyone was playing around with the wheelchair, trying to do a wheelie and many of them fell back on their back while on the wheelchair. You might think something this embarassing only happens to one or two peeps, but noooooo... as long as a new group of people walk in, there will be at least one person in the group trying to do a wheelie stunt, once they manage to balance themselves a little, they start feeling confident and start doing it more often and next moment before you know it, *poof* see head become see leg...opps!
I think this will be my new hangout... Let me know if anyone of you need guided tour next time, no charges la, just one glass of lychee martini can liao...heh
the one about reunion of polymates
On one fateful noon, after receiving news from Lily that JY was working around our area, we met up for lunch and subsequently we started meeting up for lunch almost 3 times a week.
I never cease to be amazed by how life turns and twist, after graduation i thought it was the end, not end of our friendship but end of all our good times, our talking kok sessions and the many many laughter that we shared during our lectures and tutorial.
For 2 years the only people i've kept in contact regularly from poly was lily and zany, so the sudden consistent meeting with the rest of them was a good addition to my social life. We recently just went KTV together too! After knowing each other for so many years and seeing each other everyday for a period of 3 years, we've never been to KTV together before so this was our virgin KTV session, poly style.
I took no pictures but i totally enjoyed myself.. Jingyuan and Adrian keep us entertained belting out the many many oldies that made me felt like i was singing with my elders, Ben and Junhong were the new gereration singers, singing songs which sounded more familiar to me, Lily was the Hokkien & ah beng songs Queen (ermm aka Getai songstress?) and i was the gen Y pop song princess(wannabe) yey! Here's some pictures that we took during one of those lunch session...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
the one about ME & MY POEM..
Sigh...pris pris
Always in a crisis
Worry too much
At anything at large
All your life's set to make their bow
pris pris the time is now!
Betta get ready fast
Memories can step aside at last
Their pathetic showing confined to the past
The stage is urs
Bask in ur limelight
Show all ur vanity might
For now, make yourself the prettiest sight
Start to eat less lest ur clothes get tight (ok i don't mean that. Eat MORE.)
Cos u might lose the fight
Don't get me wrong,
You're gonna look great no matter what
I'm a freetinker but you are our new religion
Idols to the entire nation
Our emancipation
The brand new sensation
Even thor will bring the thunderation
Oh wait i said you're our my new religion
Ain't allowin any norse gods entrance
Thor can go suck it Twisted Evil
Just like your previous half
He mite not screw up
though i secretly hope he Fs-up!
And those his kind aint gonna measure up.
All your friends are backin ya
Prop u up high
Cheer up and steal the show,
pris heading to a new high
Enjoy yourself with your new guy!
Thanks Jason. It makes me smile..
Monday, November 27, 2006
the one about eat till you pop
the one about foot reflex session
For a long while. This was a first in many weeks that we (uncle tan + me) actually woke up early during a weekend @ 9am.
We were both suppose to wake up even earlier and head for mackers breakfast before heading to this really fantastic Foot Reflex place at Ang Mo Kio Ave 1. But 9am was the best we could clock. =p
Perhaps a little background about this amazing foot reflex shop.
I think it is they are one of the best masters in tiny Singapore. I used to go there often when i was with my ex-bf. And then when we broke up, i did not have the contact of that place so my visits stopped there and then. Even though i could have easily made a trip to get their name card, laziness prevented me frm doing so and also walk-in customers are usually not entertained, so if i were to travel all the way there without a good rub to my soles, will be really pointless and sad. They are so popular that hoping to get your feet massaged by them as and when you like is rarely possible, it is usually BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
So coincidentally, last wed when i met my cousin for dinner, he was telling me that his company just organized a mass foot massage session for them and how amazing those reflexologist are, going on and on about how they can pin-point all his symptoms just by applyin pressure on the various acupoints on his feet bla bla bla and before i know it, *ting* i got the number of the AMK foot reflex. So the following day, while i was in the midst of telling of Uncle Tan how great this place is, we made a booking for Sat morning.
Even though there's alwiz the doubt of such massages and their benefits. For some they might think we are crazy to pay to be tortured (it gets painful at certain area) but I like to think that foot reflex is like taking vitamins, no one really know how we can exactly benefit but we just take it to mentally tell ourself we are doing our bit to enhancing/boosting whatever we feel our body needs. As was shared to me by the reflex uncle, every one will react differently post-massage. For me so far after every session, i will always be burping and farting.. So this time round i burped and fart as usual, but the indication that foot reflex does work is, right after my session, i needed to SHIT! Somehow all the rubbing on my sole made my not so productive intestines active again.
I had already constipated for 3 days and have gave up trying to defeceate myself and 15mins right after the session, i had a huge urge to answer nature call. I was relieved! :)
Another reason why i love this place is, the moment you step in, you will see that the massage shi-fus are all guys, looks really professional and the decor is bright and clean.
Such places are relatively rare in singapore now, especially with the influx of neighbourhood spa/beauty/massage centres sprouting out everywhere.
Uncle and i have accidentally stumbled upon one such place once. The person massaging our feet were china ladies, who were called to the shop when we were there. The lady tending to me was wearing a low cut top that conveniently showed her clevages. I tink she's hoping that her showcase will distract people from noticing that she know nuts about foot reflex. Then when she was tending to me, she had this perpetual "buay song" look on her face and when i tried to smile to her, she looked away and when some other male client leaves the shop, she will unabashly say 'come back next time...must ask for me la...*smile smile*' . Really ah.. Face so scunch up already still so hiao. Ultimate ickish people.
So this Foot Reflex place is where you can get the most authentic foot reflexology experience.
The rates:
For 30mins --> $30
For 45mins --> $35
For 60mins --> $40
The address:
Will update again
Sunday, November 26, 2006
the one about getting a new phone!

Monday, November 13, 2006
the one about my weekend...
After all the rejections, Thankfully I had Ben, who was sporting enough to go singing with me, even though it was just two of us. Being a musically talented dude ever since i knew him, he did a really good rendition of Jay's song - which is quite rare to find and surprised me by reading chinese, from what i remember he used to be a KAN TANG person.. and so anyway we sang the night away.
On to Saturday...my weekend was burnt by agreeing to help a friend at the singtel Christmas Fair.
It's was like any normal roadshow i used to do back in poly days. Only this time, i was dead tired after 2 days of constant standing
i think i am old, withering and aging. I used to stand for up to 10 hours per day and be all ready to attend school the following day but this time, at the end of Sunday, i was totally beaten.
After the show, i went for a sumptous dinner with my Cousin (Jerlin, Jolene and their respective friend), Lionel and Ernest at East Coast Food Centre. We had a real feast, ordering everything that is yummy - We had Sambal Stingray, Cockles, Chicken Wings, Sambal Sotong, Oyster Egg.... very satisfying, thinking of it now makes me hungry again.
We used to hang out at ECFC very often when we were younger, so most of the dishes we ordered was similar to what our parents used to order except this time the adults werent around. So thanks to them, we knew exactly which were the good must-haves in the food centre.
So i went home after dinner, bathe and concussed. For the first time in a long while, i fell asleep immediately once my head touched de pillow and i slept all the way till noon this mornin. Shoik
Had lunch with Ernest, got to work at 2-ish. And left work at 7-ish, still feeling somewhat refreshed. Which is so rare! But i like that feeling :P
Friday, November 10, 2006
Am i Lonely?

I’m feeling moody. Rejection spoils my day.
I hate it when I get rejected for taking initiative to plan something and all I get is negative response / rejections.
On occasions like these, I feel like the loneliest person alive. Oh wewelll…Having initiative suck.
Makes me feel like I have no friends, no life, that’s why I got to be the one asking people to go out with me. I give up… I will just stick to being the invitee in future..
Monday, November 06, 2006
Weekly summary
I won't dwell on the sad part of my life any longer. My week was great! After my depressing post, i went on to meet friends and did things that i wanted and those was definitely worth mentioning.
I went singing on Tuesday, caught a movie on Wed, went partying on Thursday, went more partying on Friday, had dinner with my parents and watched another movie on Sat and Sun, we went to check out the cutesy CheryQQ
The two movies i caught recently - Death Note and The Guardian
For those who are not in the know, both shows are REALLY DAMN GOOD. Haven't watched such entertaining and memorable movies in a while. Death Note amazes you with the wits of 2 scary looking youth and how they try to outsmart each other in a common police chase thief storyline and Guardian has Auston Kutchee playing the role of a superb swimmer and saving lives of seamen trapped in stormy weather, implied ethical & moral values relating to US coast guards.
QQ young chick material (me! =p) - affordable, cute and cute.
I can't/won't drive it to work due to the endless ERP gantries and the high parking fees at my office building. Then if i were to get it as a weekend car which means probably half the maintenance price. I still have no use for the car, since i meet Ernie for most weekend and if i ever need to go out without him, i can take his car (free) or take cab which still doesn't justify the 300.
And so in conclusion. No car for Prissy. :(
But good thing is he officially offered his CRV for my convenience.hehehe
Monday, October 30, 2006
So Sian
I am motivated by work. Now that I have nothing much to do. I feel like quitting my job. L
I’ve recently got really addicted to gaming. DS and DOTA take up almost all my free time now. But since I seriously lack DOTA kakis and my current bunch of kakis are all professionals. Do jio me if you happen to like DOTA too. Hehe.
I am super duper bored right now. I wanna go home! Few more minutes to end of work!
5mins……..4.......... 3……………30 sec…….1s………….
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Not so private anymore

In continuation to the previous post...
Here are pictures from my mummy's birthday.
I realise, my mum knows the existance of this blog. I'm feeling kinda weird.
Didn't try to put to words those feelings yet but, hmmm.i'm not too excited with that idea though.
I seldom share my sadness with them, which i sometimes do in my blog.
Now that she knows, i dun like the idea that i might cause her to worry, with what i might write.
But still, its cute how she came into my room and saw me photo-shopping the pictures and she chirpily went:
Mum: you going to put these pictures up in your that erm.. blogger thing ah....
Me: Yup, wah~ you so high tech ah, also know what is blogging?
Mum: *smiling proudly* hehe, yeah Daphne showed me.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
What a day~
Total of 4 minor screw-ups with tonnes of deadline to meet. Will not go into that since its OVER and today will definitely be much better. *crosses fingers*
Thankfully, today's much better. Taking a breather before continuing the never-ending workload. Luckily the weekend is only1 day away!!!
Till then, i'll be happily counting down the hours.
Anyway, on the 28th Sept was my mummy's bday, again!
I can still vaguely remember what we did for her birthday last year and now its over yet again.
Monday, September 25, 2006
My bro...The Lion with Big Heart
Out of curiosity, i went to check it out.
Reading his blog makes me wanna whip out a red pen and start correcting his English immediately!
I know i should be helping him instead of musing about it but then again if i were to make him correct his English for every post, he would probably stop doing it totally. Which would then puts him away from practicing his English, which i'm still wondering if thats a bad thing or not.
Ever since god-know-when, they always say "practice makes perfect". I believe in this statement too but then again i wonder how true can it be in this case. Lionel might perhaps be able to create the scenerio in which that rule-of-life does not apply to. :p
Anyhow, despite his atrocious English, he's still my lil brother who has grown to become a fine young boy/man.
To me i couldn't see the progression, its like he was always being screamed and yelled at to stop playing computers and stop watching so much tv and stuff and suddenly, one day he was there being the family Mr Handyman, changing light bulbs, fixing computers, packing the room, cooking lunch/supper. :)
I remember some time ago, after a quarrel with the irksome M that left me sobbing on my bed. In the darkness, my bro went "Jie, No matter what happens, i will alway support you". :) *beams*
My family isn't the sort that displays affections or exchanges words of such publicly but that night, there and then, my dear lil brother did just that. I felt extremely touched.
He had showed me, he is no longer that lil boy that we need to screamed at to make him learn.
He has become a young man that can decide for himself the rights and wrongs of the world, a young man that can read the feelings of others and act appropriately and most importantly a young man that knows how to care. :)
I can't wait to see all of us growing up and having our own homes and own kids. I'm happy at how things have turned out so far and i look forward to the future. All things can change but i hope our bond will remain.

I'm so blessed (but I'm not Christian).
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Over again.
Went where-else-but-Velvet again on Friday with Renes and her sec school girl friends and yisheng. It was good to see them all. I haven't met them for 3 years ! Figures are scary, 3 good years went by without me really noticing, everything we did when i first got to know them is still so fresh in my head. Like Yisheng especially, i met him 3 years ago, once and we played mahjong together and just like a box of chocolates, none of us expected that we will meet only 3 years later.
After Friday comes Saturday and Sunday.
On Sat, i lazed the entire day with Uncle Tan, upliving my geeky image by playing DS the entire day while Uncle went about town trying to exercise his fat off. =p Evening was somewhat more happening, we went to this really yummy Japanese restuarant at Takashimaya called Choiyo-bla-bla (i am just really bad with names, i can tell you how to get there though) and had this really yummy Unagi bento set. Price is quite steep, we paid $40 for the set but trust me, its worth every every and let me emphasize again EVERY single cent.
They had really fresh, juicy and sweet sashimi and very very VERY soft Unagi very different from those you get at Sakae or any other mass chain outlets. The fish melts in your mouth!
Hehe. Yeah i exaggerated a little but well drop me a msg, email or msn if you want to know where it is. I didnt take any picture, seldom do so, ever since my N70 started lagging real bad. I want new phone! *hint Uncle Tan =p*
After dinner was MOVIE TIME! We watched a French movie titled "The Beat that my Heart Skipped", it so dump that all i will say is. Watch it if you feel rich.
Sunday was relaxing. Slept till noon, went for late lunch at 2 plus and caught Singapore idol finals. Though many proclaimed that its a joke, surprisingly they still had a really packed stadium. Mayb only half the stadium was being utilized?
Sunday, September 17, 2006
In my dream, Mummy was her usual self, being nice and doing her best for everyone and everything but yet no one seems to appreciate her efforts, leaving her out of their gathering and little group chats while she was busy, preparing and cooking food for everyone else so that they can fill their stomachs.
The scene then later changed to the poolside, where mum sat in the jacuzzi alone with me looking from a distance, i turned my head away for a moment and when i looked back, instead of mum sitting there, it was replaced by all the other unappreciative aunties.
I got anxious and looked around frantically for mum and finally saw her sitting alone, again, on a chair by the jacuzzi with her face in black botches like she got infected with some real mean disease.
I was damn worried and immediately ran to her and when i got to her looking like i'm about to breakdown, mum in a tired-but-tried-to-sound-chirpy-soothing tone told me not to worry about her and those weird botches was actually her facial mask.
I was relieved and yet really upset at those arseties for treating my mum this way... and my dream ended here because of the warm tears that was running down my cheeks.
My tears continued on after i woke up because of the many many thoughts that ran thru my head post-dream. I dread to imagine how i will cope the day my parents will be called to the other realm. Or any of my siblings for that matter. :(
Friday, September 15, 2006
How much is it worth?
My blog is worth $1,693.62.
How much is your blog worth?
Got this from link from dear Jason. Who still living his life surrounded by education. Funny guy, alwiz like to say he's tired, not enough sleep sleep, even though, ever since i know him, he's the can stay up 24 hours without sleep to rush out projects, sleep for 1-2 hrs then go cheong his sports training sort. Though i do believe he's really tired from all the work from school, i wonder what is sleep to him =P.
Back to this link, I wonder how does this person base his calculations on. Quite interesting, imagine i can bag this amount of money monthly. Sounds real yummy dun you think.
Anyway after i checked mine using this engine thingy, i went to type the owner's blog address and WOAH! His site can generate up to $4 million +++ lei.
My guess is, we are probably the suckers who's contributing to that amount, by going in to check how much our personal blog is worth.
After i checked his, i went to type in 2 of singapores' most popular blogger, Ms Snow(dun wanna help her advertise =p) and Mr Brown. Their site also can rake in amounts of 7 figures too!
I also want~~
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Song of the day
"This is the song that never ends
Yes, it goes on and on, my friends
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because— "
Sing-a-long if you know!
Midweek again
Time moves so quickly that i find it hard to breathe.
I'm aging just as quickly too.
To prove my point, weekend was just 3 days ago and two more days from now. ITS WEEKEND AGAIN.
Anyway this post shall be as short as possible. I realise most of my posts are seriously very wordy and some people might have the wrong impression like i have no one to talk to, so i have to talk alot on my blog to compensate. =p
Last week was really fruitful, we had a class gathering of sort, met up with classmates from sec school, had fun, nice to see everyone and gossip about old times. We revisited old childhood crushes, events and stuff. Definitely looking forward to the next one, with more people hopefully.
Last thing. If you ever need translation, besides using babelfish, i have this amazin friend, AMBER that is as power as that site man.
PJ came to me one day asking for translation suggestions. She tried a few times with not so suitable term and finally one of us suggested we get AMBER in to help and within SECONDS we got the term we were looking for. Power eh..
I'm so lucky to have a walking bilingual dictionary within our midst. Kekeke.. Too bad guys, you only have the AI babelfish to depend on.. *Muahaha*
A**e, its another long post. Damn. =p
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Yay! Its finally in my hands! My new toy!
Pure, white and pretty!
I'm off to game! Muahahah...
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Been updating my blog almost everyday consistently, though the updates are slightly backdated, then again, who cares! Haha.
Anyway besides updating my blog to keep frens in the loop of my daily live, its also a chronicle of Prissy too, place i can refer back to check what was i doing at that time sort of thing.
And so last Friday, i went for this party organized by a group called Youth Empire. As the name suggest, it is party seriously just for the youth only.
I was there with Renes, Jin, Zip, Rene's bro, her tuition kid and my bro, Lionel. So there we were there feeling really enthu about the whole thing as there were food stalls and stalls selling many stuff with great R&B music playing in the background. We tried hardest to keep ourselves entertained for de first 2 hours, dancing amidst the crowd of super young kiddos. Till we eventually gave up and told the youngsters of our grp to go have their own fun.
And so they DID! they didnt wanna leave! My bro especially, there i was sitting at one corner perpetually bored to tears and he was having so much fun and didnt wanna leave yet. Man!! I tink i old liao~
Anyway it was during this event that i have my first ever palm reading. The 'shifu' was nice and generally what he said sounds too good to be true, but since its pleasing to my ear, i'll gladly believe.
Some of the things he said which i can still remember:
1. I will not have problem financial and career wise
2. If he is blessed, then i'm V.blessed (muahaha, bless as in losing the most at every mahjong session?)
3. I am v. intelligent (realise how he likes to emphasize his point by adding a Very in front, somehow i wished this was true ;S)
4. I will not have children or will have difficult labour (i think quite true, i prefer a husky)
5. I am meant to be a leader! (yes! do vote for me next time!)
6. I will marry at age 27 (but i dun even wanna get marry, mayb juz cohibit)
7. I should persue careers related to arts, fashion, music and media (superstar pris?)
Interesting eh. Very pleasing to my ear. I like. I conveniently forgot all the bad things he said though. Cherry picking. hahaha
No DS for me today
My attempt at 'zi pai zhao' after long break. So nacarcisstic. But still fun as usual.
Realise i dun take such pictures anymore ever since i started my job proper.. Glad to know i still have the skill to undertake such a tough task. ;)
Monday, September 04, 2006
Wake me up. Coz it Sept

Its's September.. So soon.. Another 4 months and we will be welcoming 2007.
Time flies at supersonic speed when you work.
I read a friends blog recently. She's doin freelance now. How lucky, if only i had talents that would allow me to freelance something and report to no one. Meaning be my own boss. But with no talent and no business idea i guess i better be good on my job, for now.
A good friend of mine, Ian, came back from Japan for a short holiday. Due to all our busy schedule, we only met once. Well, at least there is one. :)
Though short, it is always nice to meet them and laugh myself silly.
Knowing them would definitely be listed as one of the best thing that happened to me. It is them that makes working for Nokia so much fun and Nokia training much looked forward to.
Moments of that night..
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Why i love blogging
Its amazing how life unfolds itself. :D
He shared details of how he spent his new year eve at the Ngee Ann City countdown party, organized by his company and asked how i spent mine. Details of what i did that night slipped my mind, so I said I probably spent the night at a house party. He then made a statement saying a house party would definitely not be as fun as being at the countdown party which i prompted argued that it is not necessarily so, even though i still wasn't too sure what was I doing on eve of 2006.
So back at home, i search through my archive and this is what i found.
Now i have evidence to prove how WRONG his statment was!
Reading the post, brings back fond memories and a smile to my face. Big thanks to blogger and the creators who started the trend of blogging, without it i probably would not have been able to recall that bit of my memory till later.
If blogger.com hangs around long enough. Maybe my future generation will know more about me than i need to tell. Imagine the kids asking:
Kids: "mum tell me more of your childhood pls"
Me: "ok, go google prissypan.blogspot.com and you will know"
Friday, August 25, 2006
Night out at Velvet

I'm getting really boring. I've been clubbing alot for the entire past month! Here are some pics taken by this nice photographer called Jason, from the online Stomp portal.
I'll probably never meet Jason again and even if i did, i doubt i will remember how he looks like.
But i asked for his name becoz he was extremely nice, he actually offered to take 5, 6 shots for us and when we asked him to take again when we didnt look good on picture. He agreed! So rare man. Haha.
I'm signing off now. Will post more pictures soon.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
New look
所以现在暂时先用这个template. Hehe.
I 'm using chinese coz i was searching for Jolin's Tsai 蔡依林 song lyrics and i came across this really helpful site which has a really extensive database of almost all the Asian singers that i know and can think of.
Which i must say is really quite impressive. Beside sale of the songs, click on the links to get listen for free first before u decide, if you wanna get it or not. Not bad right!
And the best thing is with every song that they are selling on the site, it comes with free Lyrics! Regardless if you purchase the song or not. These people are so nice!
So do check out this link http://www.mtvtop.net/ if you ever are looking for lyrics.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
More fireworks
More shots of the fireworks. Very blurry yet still very pretty.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
National Day 2006

Happy Happy Birthday Singapore!
I went for the 2006 Parade! Thanks to my lovely darling Mum, who managed to get hold of two tickets~
Felt so patriotic but lik PJ previously, the traffic after that was hellish!
Overall everything was great, even the squeezing to get on top of the overhead bridge was done in an orderly manner. My feel is - everyone was feeling too patriotic to be in a bad mood. Which is a great thing. Nice lovely, polite Singapore at its best.
Will update pics soon! Took many many pictures of firework display.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Post 4/4 - Yipee
Before i sleep.. Dun people work at all?
Its 2.12am and yet my msn is still popping like crazy with notices of people coming online.
Those party animals.
Lucky butts.
Post 3/4 - Musing on Missing
Well, one thing i'm sure about is:
1. I miss the nokia gang.
2. I miss the overnight KTV sessions.
3. I miss singing with you guys till 6am in the morning and having Macdonald's breakfast at 7am and reaching home at 8am to sleep the entire Saturday away.
4. I miss you all.
Lets organize a meet up soon. Just like old times ok.
p.s. random muse: wonder will renes edit my english if she sees this post.
Post 2/4 - Ben's 1st Gig
I must say it was pretty impressive,but being the natural critic that i am, there was definitely room for improvements. Since its their debut and they were definitely better than the other two groups. I would say... THEY ROCK!!! YEAH~~
I have faith that if they were marketed well and more publicity was given, they could be performing on stage as a career.
No pictures were taken by me. But many of my friends did, so will definitely go bugging for pictures to post here.
Besides the up-to-expectation performance, another factor that got me fuzzy buzzy was our bond. Back in poly, I knew for sure we were close and being supportive of each other was something we wont hestitate to think twice about (it would b especially hard not to too, since we see each other every other day).
But to find that the bond still exist after such a long long break, when everyone seemed to have moved on busying with their own life and all the guys going to army.
I felt warmth to see it happening. Its like us joining the captain's ball competition, or that silly poly 15 relay race all over again. Those good old fun days. :D
When i stepped into the club, my heart skipped a beat when i saw them waving to me from the corner of the room.. :) I was estatic to see them. keke..
I'm really glad everyone of us took time off to be there for him. To support his talent and to cheer for the band on their debut.
I hope our little support would egged him to achieve higher goals (concert at indoor stadium eh ben?)
To Adrian, Alex, Sandy, Sebastian and Stella: It was great to see you guys. Lets strive to not make this the last alrite.
To Ernest: Thanks for accompanying me to this gig. It means a lot to me that you did it. :D
Oki. I'm giving up my 4 post objective. Sleep time.
I had so little time for everything before bedtime. On my list i had
1. a book to read
2. four topics to blog
3. a promise to sleep early today
i was suppose to choose an activity out of the three options and after much consideration, i chose the latterest(number 3) , despite fact that it was what i wanted to do the least, it was de most sensible decision. so i did it. off light, close eyes.... cannot sleep. :
again, fate dictated that Pris is suppose to go through yet another insomnia session on 3rd August 2006.
So here i am again. Sprawled out on my springy bed, typing out my thoughts in the wee wee hours of the morning. Objective would be four posts.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I cannot sleep!!! Damn insomnia. damn damn damn insomnia. So this is how it feels like. Trapped in between wanting to sleep cos u know you will have another long day ahead and being unable to do just that.
I'm feeling oh-so-grumpy... I feel like i'm losing touch with friends. At work where i usually get to catch up with them. I'm recently flushed with many many work every single day. Sometimes i wonder, am i just incompetently slow or is there just too much work for me to handle (ohhh. maybe i found the cause of why i'm awake).
Well if it helps at all, i guess at least i know Mich and Jo graduated; Amber's going ahead with the shave head for cancer kids campaign; Wendy's got a new job; Ching's still obessesed with chicken rice; D has started her accounting studies; Rek is back from Aussie; PJ's boss is getting married; lily found a new job and zane is working like mad as usual.
Still can't sleep.... Will go watch youtube, streaming at such unearthly hours is heaven. No traffic. Just me and the network.
Night night
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Family Dinner @ Jade Restuarant
I just cannot resist the temptation to not get one of this revolving cube for myself. Saw it Wendy's site, she copied the idea from a fren and i copied the idea from her. Keke. How innovative.
Pictures here was taken during our family dinner at Jade restuarant. The food there was good, but it will cost just as fantastic, luckily we had a $300 voucher to offset. Total bill amounted to $500++.
Also in the picture, you can see uncle Tan, my new ermm.. date?
Till today i'm still not very comfortable telling people i'm attached. I wonder why? At times i still feel that i am unprepared for a relationship. I read about friends loving their boy so much so much, planning to get engage and stuff and I am very envious but yet if i simulate myself in that kind of situation, the whole idea scares and overwhelms me. Is this a crisis of some sort? Any where i can seek help from? Tell me if you know. :
Of course after hanging out with Uncle almost every other day for 3 months. I would be lying if i don't feel anything for uncle, but sometimes i really wish i was carefree and single again. Perhaps once again, its a scenerio where right things are happening at the wrong time. I am one big confused soul.
Dear all, for clarifications sake, the above statement was made by a very selfish pris who fears the pain when things go wrong. No part of it was triggered by bad feelings / misunderstandings between Uncle and Pris. In fact Uncle has been nicest so far. Never had Pris met anyone as doting, caring and sweet. He who will make her breakfast, picks her up from work whenever his work schedule allow (which is almost everyday) and attempts to understands her need for freedom and outing with friends girls and guys inclusive.
Thank you uncle Tan. I really appreciate all of it. :) I am not the best, but i will keep trying.
Last thing before i sign off. Congrats Mich and Jo for safely and smoothly cruising through university after 3 long years!?! Nice convocation pics too. Literary cheers to you both for now, lets do a real live one soon..
Sweet dreamz...Beauty sleep here i come...
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Back again.
I have 15 more minutes till sleeping time... Tomorrow's Monday again, wish the weekends didnt have to pass so soon?! where are those long weekends??!! I want long weekends!!
My life has been really busy of late.. Mostly work related, it sounds boring - but i'm liking it although many a time i wish things could be better.
I have intentions to update my ongoings for the past few months that i disappeared but instead of me writing a 10,000 word summary about it. i'll upload pictures to update bit by bit.
So back to today...i finally caught 'CARS' today with Mr Tan. So cute - they had mosquitoes that are car-shaped (PIXAR ROX)!! simply Love it!!
the show had a very typical Disney ending but it still works for me, the fairy-tale, everyone-leaves-cinema-happy kinda ending works well with me everytime, anytime.
Ever since i was young, i have always enjoyed Disney cartoons. I love them for the colorful graphics, the catchy--original-motivational soundtrack and of course the inspirational message they try to convey in every of their cartoon.
In CARS, humility, hardwork and friendship was the message. I did enjoy the show very much but how everything falls in place for the happy ending finale left me pondering a little.
In reel life, if you are humble and hardworking, you will achieve your goal.
But in real life? I say - i hope it was just as easy. :)
Perhaps i will be shifting to watch more of Dreamworks cartoon, where storylines are more realistic..so that i too can be realistic..
Time for me to catch up on sleep. Will upload the backdated events bit by bit. Stay tuned!
Good night.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Steady deep breath nw..
I'm at work and i'm feeling lazy, hence i'm going to blog a little before heading back to the neverending, loads-of-screwup-project workload awaiting me.
I wanna breathe, i wanna sleep a loooong deep deep hibernation kind of sleep. I want my rest.
I shuttle to work feeling like a zombie everyday and crawl back home exhuasted. My life is so packed with activities and despite feeling drained every single day, i love it this way.
Its exciting, fun and fulfilling, i wish though my energy bar was longer so that i can enjoy all the activities with much more enthusiam.
Salsa has taken a huge part of my life, been really into it for the past months. Man~~
I'm so addicted i've got myself salsa CD's, i find myself dancing and practicing whenever i have nothing to do, if i'm out alone on a crowded day, my head will be replaying steps i've learnt. Super hardcore :P
I went to the zoo yesterday! lalalala~~~
I'm still lazy to get back to work but things still have to b done eventually.
To all peeps who visits my blog to be updated of my life.
Take care and thanks for your concern! :)
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Whats with the day?
Today zoomed pass faster than usual. Before i knew it, the day was over and i was on my way to meet ceyu for dinner.
Initially wanted to go Taka after work to buy tht stylo milo elegant looking mphosis clutch bag i got for renes as a bday gift but last minute decided to change location and try my luck at the outlet in citylink but then. It's sold out there too. Sianz half... the optimistic perspective would be, i save money! goot for me! kekeke...
My day was stressfully busy, started de day with breakfast (the first time in many mths) and went to work, business lunch, back to office, meeting again and back to office again. Kan busy and de bloody haze is nt helping, smogging up my picturesque 35th storey view of Singapore's CBD skyline. Think indo must be burning again liao, irritating neighbours, why cant they just control their farmers!
Total count of complains i gt from friends regarding their work today, 4 - Pj, Peizi, Lily and Ceyu.
Nt sure how i could help them so i just listened. I shared what i could with ah yu, pj and peizi and happily bitched with lily how we can tekan her boss to make him regret for mistreating her. haha. that was like one of the major destress period of the day.
I can emphatize with how one will feel when they have committed some silly very unnecessary mistake but i tink we should never be too hard on ourself, especially since we have just started working. Yes, we all want to be good and perfect all the time in whatever we do, but the saying "Nothing is perfect" exists because it speaks the truth. Nothing will be perfect if you keep telling yourself that it is not. Change your perspective and look at things in the better light and things will be perfect in the way you choose to see it.
Most of the time we are our own greatest critic.
Okie time to sleep. Haha. Nt making much sense anymore....good nite world!
Monday, March 13, 2006
tomorrow is monday..
Weirdly from the party animal i used to be, i'm feeling tamed recently.
I love being at home now and many times i wished i was at home instead of out.
But of coz i would still, never waste a friday and saturday night away.
The world has been kind, my friends are too.
To Mich and Lily, thanks girls for keeping in mind my VS request and for passing to me the spree address.
To PJ, thanks for inviting me to the dinner paid for by your boss. He's quite yandao ah. Too bad old and taken. ;p
To Wendy, thanks for paying on de cab fare and refusing to take my $$ and for helping me with the music thingy.
To Ber, Ching and D thanks for constantly chatting with me on msn whenever i'm bored during work! keke.
Good nite world.
Monday, March 06, 2006
No blues today
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | ![]() |
Mind: | ![]() |
Body: | ![]() |
Spirit: | ![]() |
Friends/Family: | ![]() |
Love: | ![]() |
Finance: | ![]() |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
Despite being extremely excruciating busy. I stole a little bit of time off to read blogs. Then I came across Danny’s blog and extended my stolen time a little more by taking up this quiz. I dun really understand the meaning of the statistics but statistics show i'm super low on love! WTH! How can?
After taking de test, frankly i wonder about the purpose of this test/quiz, serves no purpose at all. The questions they ask all so weird one, how can use that to rate ur life, who says life needs to be rated anyway! I'm posting it because i answered it and since they have a HTML link, i added it to make my page look more attractive - wishfully =p.
It’s Monday. Like AGAIN! So soon. So happening. So looking forward to coming Friday. I still haven’t got time to do the tagged thingy but well i'll do it eventually on one of the coming Sundays - i'm practicing procastination to ensure that the word will exist forever. Just doing what i can to save something. Similar to the saying "Do one thing good everyday" and i did by saving "PROCASTINATION". ('',)
Happy Monday people!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
New Background~
Thursday, March 02, 2006
I am dazed..
I have been tagged by Jo and Wendy. Initially when i chance upon the word 'tag' in their blog i was still wondering what the hell was it. Simi ish tag? why pj, jo and eunice all say they got tagged? I checked the tagboard, bo lei no mention of simi tagging. Then when i proceeded to read the blogs then i realise tag means they write your name on their blog and ask u to answer those preset template questions.
Not bad lei, so similar to catching, a childhood game. The game can be played by unlimited amount of people and one of them is named the 'Catcher' and the catcher's responsibility will be to run after you to touch you. IF and WHEN they finally catch up and manage to touch u anywhere, they will scream "your turn to pa sam" then run like theres no tomorrow, away from you. After that happen you become the catcher and need to tap someone else so they will so to speak be the next "pa sum" person.
So now 'taggin' is the "online and english" version of the word "pa sum". and we have online catching. Muahaha.
Anyway, i'm not making much sense. Really tired but die die still wanna blog.
Looking forward to work tml. After working for a year and having the job title of Project Management for 6 mths. I finally realise the what my job scope covers, it is everything and anything! How brilliant. Absolutely challenging and demanding. =)
Amid the surreality my day goes something like this: Work, late lunch (gobbled my lunch), met clients, met babes (had fun and calmed my tense, hectic day), saw Mrs Rosalind Koh (sec 1 & 2 form teacher back in CCSS days), home and blogging (in a dazed ultra sleepy state).
Anyway before i end it all for today.
Happy Birthday RENES! Happy birthday JULIEN!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Retro chicken rice store

the babes waiting for the chicken to come
there is suppose to be alot more. But my cranky N70 died on me corrupting my memory card. Or could it be the other way round.
I lost all pictures i took during my poly gathering. Damn.. looks like i might need to buy a phone soon. Right when i'm feeling poor. BAKA!
I have ran out of mobile phones. Loaned it all away. =(
ah well back to 6670 while thinking of a solution without involvin $$.
The one about what i think and feel
Making me feel oh-so-philosophical.
My current thoughts:
- if each and every single one of our lifes were chronicled and made into a movie, i'm sure it would be just as entertaining, exciting and emotional as any of the box office hits out there
- I believe every one of us has our own story to tell.
- Live life the way you want it and share it with people who u love and loves u! They will always be willing to listen.
- Share your life story with enthusiam coz they will feel happy for you when you are happy. I'm sure of this, coz i know i will be happy to hear my friends happy.
- Be lost about life but dun lose hope.
- Do what you want to do. Achieve what u want to. Experience what you have on your mind. Life is only so short!
The current me:
- I love Sundays.
- I love my quiet time alone. Pulling my lappie to anywhere around my house and blogging in the cozy silence of the drowsy afternoon.
- I love my wonderful new pot and teacups and my flora teas.
- I am careful with who i hang out with and who i go out with.
- I do things in ways i can with the best of my ability. I live by that rule day to day so i will know i will not have much regret to worry about.
- Trying to learn something new everyday.
I am contented. But i won't be complacent. I will live on to experience more so that i have more to share. :)
Have you ever felt this way?
I lived my week dreamy. Slowing shuttling to work, getting back home, going for Salsa, meeting Yilin(Renes good friend whom i havent met in 2 years) at Salsa, bumping into Eunice round my house area, practicing salsa at union, meeting my dear babes at Timbre for rocking good fun, meeting the babes for free movie (thanks to Amber!), chicken rice lunch at a retro coffee shop, shopping with Jia, meeting my poly friends and ending it all with KTV on Saturday night.
Phew. Eventful.
My dreaminess was the wonderful, serene sort... the way i like it.
I feel perhaps the week was moving way too slow to be normal but yet if i see things from another perspective, it seemed everything was over in a flash.
So i am left wondering, why so dreamy this week.
An accquaintance suggested - "Maybe, Prissy you are in love".
In reply to that statement i went "Yah right. With who and with what?"
Recollecting the incidents that night, perhaps he is right. I felt my wound had heal and now the best thing has happened - the scar is fading.
I'm looking forward to the coming week. I wonder what more wonders will life lead me to experience. It's all so exciting.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Happy Birthday Prissy!
Wah *sweats* can the number jump any faster or not? So fast so fast! Haiyo dun blog still not so nervous, blog already den become gan jiong.
Firstly, a huge thank you to all my sweetest friends who called, sms and msn to wish me. Really glad and touched you all remembered.
And of coz i must separately mention the name of this dear babe who went thru the trouble of dedicatin a column of her blog to post my birthday greetings and also for posting it on her MSN nick for the day. Thank you MICHELLE YONG LAI YEE (see see its colourful tooo! haha).

No major celebration for me this year thanks to my wonderful 'good' health. But i still have a very nice mango cake when the clock struck 12 last nite, thanks to Ceyu who came down to look for me. He gave me a box of styrofoam with teapot, really cute teacups and assortments of flora tea. So nice, something i've always wanted but always forget that i want.
I've also received a 30gb IPOD Muvee, a miniature personal makeover album, a Chicken little comic book and tons of well wishes from everyone! Man i'm so so happy! and the best part Its only half the day! :)
Anyway my birthday wish last night was wasted on hoping i'll get well today. It didnt happen! Lousy wish. bleah~
I miss sinful, oily, spicy food.
Get well soon, get well soon, get well soon~~
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Another Spree Channel!
I'm so hoping they will organise one for Victoria Secret soon. I saw this die die must have shorts going at only USD$15 bucks and they have it in size 0. Hope they'll start the spree before my lovely shorts is gone.
Aww man and now the VS site is down. bleah~ can't post the pic now.
For the babes thats into spreeing as well this is the oh so wonderful link sgspree.
Home again..
Woke up this morning feeling rather refreshed but when i finally stepped out of my house, i started having bouts of dizziness and broke out in cold sweat. As i pushed myself further saying i can get my rest when i get to the bus-stop, my vision suddenly got splashed with patches of very bright white spots. So i hurried back and slept my morning away.
Hmm.. its getting a bit worrying, this is the second time this week it's happened. I hope i will get well soon!
V'day this year was one very special one.
I was down with really bad cough and was asleep by 1030 pm.
No outing, no romantic dinner and neither was there a meetin with my babes. All i did was to sleep thru V'day. I'm not complaining though. :)
Gift collection count, i had a rose from dear o Kelvin and a really cute Get Well Soon card from Ceyu delivered right to my house doorstep. The funny thing is the deliveryman was ultra secretive, after dropping the card, he ran to the lift and hid behind the wall and by the time i ran to the lift lobby, i was in time to see Mr Deliveryman go down the lift. hahaha my hunch is Mr Deliveryman was Ceyu, though he insisted it wasn't him.
Oh well. Theres no prizes even if i guessed correctly so i'll just leave it at that then.
Something happened at work yesterday. Disgustingly immature M msn me, regarding some things he could not find. That left me wondering what the hell was wrong with him? After so long and after all the crap he did, he still had the cheek to msn me?!
My breakup rule is if we ended things nice and well, we can be friends, not the best of friend but still a normal friend - just like how me and raeburn turned out.
Deliberately answering a call just to make me listen to his conversation with his new girl is definitely not ending things nice and well. In fact it is very SICK and PSYCHOTIC and i'm sure only people with the most twisted of minds can come up with actions of such.
He should be going to a shrink instead of talking to me, the shrink would provide better help.
I pity his new babe and i can't help but wonder if her maturity can make her acceptable to a boyfriend who goes online to know girls that are 19 years of age, who lies blatantly to save his own ass (he told his mum i ran off with other guys! wtf!), who purposely allow me to overhear their conversation while they were out on a date.
Then again its not really my problem, its a thought i like toying with.
That being said, there's no hate towards him. He's just too disgusting to be labelled a friend of Prissy. Hating him would only take away my happiness, he took it away for close to two years and now that i have it back, i'm not letting him take it away anymore.
I'm a real lucky babe who found out at 21, what he is all about.
He's gone for good and i hope it will stay this way till my end of days.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Perhaps its better...
It seems because i am now single, some people are becoming more demanding of my time. Not only is that person making me answerable for my own planning, he's also making unncessary comments when i make plans to meet up with other friends.
Gosh~ i seriously feel like giving that person a piece of my mind, he's making a huge nuisance of himself and really testing my patience. Who the hell is he to dictate and make me feel sorry when i chose to meet my friend over him?
I'm not the least bit sorry and for god sake! Yes, he might have asked me out first but i have the rights to make the decision on who i wanna be out with on V'day or every other day!
Sickening asshole........
Happy Valentine 2006
It feels like ages since i last blogged, then i realise it is only less than a month ago. So much things have happened since. I went to Hongkong, celebrated the lunar New Year, worked my ass off and been falling ill consistently (almost every weekend).
The next event to look forward to would be V'day! This would be the first time in 5 years whereby i am single on V'day. It feels normal and i'm definitely not worrying about being dateless.
Its been x number of month since we've broken up. And like all cases of breakups, some will stay as friends and some will just become total strangers. For me, i would choose that we become total strangers and i pray that i will never see his face ever. I'm still disgusted and i know this feeling will remain with me for life.
After all the dust has settled, its not difficult to realise how everything has been a blessing in disguise. I'm definitely happier knowing that he was not at all what i thought he was and instead he showed to me an immaturity and childishness of the most shocking kind. That made giving up so much easier.
Anyway back to V'day, i think i already have a date but looking at my health for today i'm not really sure if i can make it tomorrow. Then again, my date haven't exactly confirmed the timing for tomorrow too.
Ah well.. i might end up being dateless eventually.
Sunday, January 15, 2006

I am back from Thailand! Land of smiles and a thousand DISCOUNTS!
I went with a 1/4 filled luggage bag and returned home with 1 luggage + 1 huge gym bag packed to the brim! Superb fun and simply broke - think you guys should be able to find me at the grass patch around Tanjong Pagar area till the end of this month.
My only complaint though is - no sleep! Bangkok is definitely not the place if you are looking for somewhere to recharge yourself. We (Lily, Ian and me!) were sleeping late every single day and waking up darn early just so that we could shop. We were just that close to becoming shopa-lunatics but then again lookin at the things we got! It was worth every single effort. hahaha.
Bangkok is a Ladies haven as we all know, so poor Ian Loo Loo has nothing much to shop for other than just T-shirts. Luckily, he was a great sport and followed us up and down the HUGE Platinum shopping centre shopping for stuff which is mostly ours.
And best part of it - he was suffering a flu then. Really amazing he survived. haha. Thanks Mr Loot Lee Yen.. :P
Enuff of my ravings. I shall again let the pictures do the talking.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

It is only months ago when i was deeply troubled, badly disappointed and totally dejected and upset about life and a person.
I can now see the light now, i can see myself walking towards it and i know, i am just moments away from reaching the end of this dark, horrible, filthy tunnel to move on to see and enjoy the beautiful pasture thats awaiting me.
I wonder how will i fare in that new surrounding, will i maintain the beauty that greeted me forever will i be just a passerby of this beautiful pasture? Will i be walking into another dark, uglier tunnel without enjoying myself?
I wonder...
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Finally 2006
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.
Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.
Through the years
We all will be together,
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself A merry little Christmas now.
I sang this song during Christmas, while out carolling and heard it again while watching "Family Stone" - now i'm in LOVE with this song, especially the third verse.
Christmas Carolling was fantastic, It is the best possible way to spend Christmas. Going from house to house to spread the Christmas cheer via Praise and Songs. Each time we sang, each time i find my heart feeling the warmth, my chest becomes tight and time seems to slow. I felt the place went quiet even though everyone around me was singing at the top of their voices, i felt peaceful. It is absolutely without a doubt the nicest Christmas i ever had done in my entire 21 yrs. I would definitely do it again next year, if i have the chance. Ah yu and Kel - Thanks for inviting me!
New Year eve was just as fantastic. Eve was spent with my family and relatives hanging around Toa Payoh HDB hub shopping at Bossini Sale till 11 plus... Before ending up at Bossini, we were actually trying our hardest to think of where we should go to countdown to new year but once they step foot into that shop. Our problem was solved. =D
New Year Day and 2nd Day of New Year was the best of the BEST - I spent both days with friends who mattered to me. Had a complimentary hotel stay thanks to my mum at Grand Parkroyal Hotel. Service sucked thanks to a weird accented non-local receptionist, who decided she has to start off the New year by being a pain-in-the-ass but - no matter.
The rest of the night was so happening that she failed her mission of irritating me - Miserably. Ber and Jia was first to reach and we all had dinner at Uma Uma. I give their Ramen 7/10, really quite nice.
After dinner, we initially plan to go grocery shopping for tidbits and playing cards but then due to requests by Amber and Ceyu we ended up at Addidas. After hanging around the shop for bout 20 mins, we finally proceeded to Marketplace@Raffles where we irritated ber with our 'So qiao' game. Funny Berber, seriously i dun tink we will so much fun if she didnt get irritated everytime we use it. Haha.
Hotel stay first few hour was boring because of Mich whose coming soon turned out to be a few hours long and because we thought she was coming soon, we didnt buy the poker cards. We ended up watching tv. Mich finally appeared at dunno what hour with Shawn and then we started having playing the infamous and totally hilarious 'Stock Exchange' game. It works like the usual 'Heart Attack' but instead of quietly passing the cards, we bid for the number of cards we wanna exchange. It was pretty organised during the first few game till eventually we gave up on bidding and just Snatch whatever cards that was being passed around. Lily came down much much later and we played the same game again.
It sounds boring, tryin to explain it in text.
Funny moments:
1. Shawn splashing water at entrance of toilet to the wash basin, Jia flushing a whole cup of green tea down the toilet bowl and Ber downing a cup of gween tea just so not to be last.
2. Me pulling Shawn out of the curtain to hide inside it just so not to be last.
3. Shawn hitting Jia, then ask Jia if it was painful thus causing Jia to increase her level of stupidity up to Shawn's level; Jia did the same by asking Ceyu a question and increasing ah yu to her level; Mich did the same too by asking some really logical questions that everyone chose to ignore, but i just had to answer and immediately i was promoted up to her level.
4. Mich anxiously wanting to get off the bed thus pushing Big Shawn off-balance in the event of doing so.
5. Steven's unforgettable 'Peui Peui' silencer gun instead of our usual revolver that goes 'Bang'
But the main thing is I had alot of fun and laughed my hardest during that night. We all suffered some form of injury at the end of the game. Jia won us all with the biggest bruise on her knee.
New Year Day 2
Went to catch a movie with Mr Loo and chilled out at Liquid Kitchen the rest of the afternoon following which I went to Mr Loo's fwen place for a shower. Haha. Weird thing to do though its my first time being there but yeap i showered coz i didnt have time to bathe before heading out to watch the movie. :P
His friend place is very amazing ah. Super nice view overlooking river valley and walkable distance to town. So shoik. Played a few games of Bridge there before heading to meet the girls again for dinner at Newton. Over at Newton we makan like no tomorrow. 7 of us ordering up to 90 bucks worth of food. Yummy.
Though this time there were no games; just chilling, eating and yakking away with the girls was enjoyment of a different kind.
The night ended with Dee sending us all back to home. Thanks sweetie for sending me home despite the ultimate out of the way route.
I had a wonderful time and i cant tink of any better way to be spending my New Year then the way it had happened. Thank you all for making it happen, for coming to the hotel and for staying beside me when i was at my lowest and downest.
With you all
- i managed to walk through a terrible breakup without making a fool of myself
- i found happiness
- i found the strength and will to be strong
- i know i will always be loved and cared no matter what
- i realise the world is still as lovely and wonderful as how i've known it to be
2006 has been wonderful so far and i'm optimistic that it'll get better.
Happy New Year all!