Out of curiosity, i went to check it out.
Reading his blog makes me wanna whip out a red pen and start correcting his English immediately!
I know i should be helping him instead of musing about it but then again if i were to make him correct his English for every post, he would probably stop doing it totally. Which would then puts him away from practicing his English, which i'm still wondering if thats a bad thing or not.
Ever since god-know-when, they always say "practice makes perfect". I believe in this statement too but then again i wonder how true can it be in this case. Lionel might perhaps be able to create the scenerio in which that rule-of-life does not apply to. :p
Anyhow, despite his atrocious English, he's still my lil brother who has grown to become a fine young boy/man.
To me i couldn't see the progression, its like he was always being screamed and yelled at to stop playing computers and stop watching so much tv and stuff and suddenly, one day he was there being the family Mr Handyman, changing light bulbs, fixing computers, packing the room, cooking lunch/supper. :)
I remember some time ago, after a quarrel with the irksome M that left me sobbing on my bed. In the darkness, my bro went "Jie, No matter what happens, i will alway support you". :) *beams*
My family isn't the sort that displays affections or exchanges words of such publicly but that night, there and then, my dear lil brother did just that. I felt extremely touched.
He had showed me, he is no longer that lil boy that we need to screamed at to make him learn.
He has become a young man that can decide for himself the rights and wrongs of the world, a young man that can read the feelings of others and act appropriately and most importantly a young man that knows how to care. :)
I can't wait to see all of us growing up and having our own homes and own kids. I'm happy at how things have turned out so far and i look forward to the future. All things can change but i hope our bond will remain.

I'm so blessed (but I'm not Christian).