I’m thrown with the task of coming up with proposals AGAIN! I thought this was a job supposedly done by SENIOR MANAGEMENT? Why do I keep being dumped with such responsibilities when I feel like I still know the minimal things in this industry?
I feel good having such opportunities but yet I feel handicapped. I have ideas swimming in my head but then I do not know the feasibility or are they too far-fetched? I dunch know and I dun wanna appear stupid or cranky in front of my bosses when i finally do preach the ideas to them.
It’s do or die. So I will do. No choice - rules of life.

Played a fighting game with Mario, Pikachu and Ice Climber as the main characters and they are suppose to fight with each other by slapping the opponent out of the screen Very very cute.
Now is end work hour, weather outside is gloomy. From my office I can see - central Singapore looks like its raining. haha.
I have new gadget to play with! The Microsoft Dopod – it has built in 3G, Bluetooth, wi-fi and many others features that one way or another has been missing in the current PDA’S. The ONE AND ONLY bao ka liao PDA. Just laid my hands on it this afternoon and it will be mine for the following few weeks - only. huhuhu, simply love my job :p
Before I end, I think I will be changing template again. I screwed up my current one, see the “Friends Ranting” it’s not aligned! Pissed off… my html skills is not that power afterall.
Any kind souls who can help me would be greatly appreciated.