Wednesday, November 14, 2007

about Why my Engrish so poor!

I have a deadline to meet. But I reckon 10 minutes of blogging won’t kill me right? (I hope ~!).

Anyway some updates after my incessant complains of feeling lousy at work.

I am working on a new project, doing up marketing kit for the company. Yeah! Finally a job scope after being back so long. So with my mediocre English, I have to attempt using fanciful words to present the company’s past project in the best light, no matter how plain or dry or boring it is. So freaking tough!! For once, I so wish I was an Ah neh w good command of ang moh.

Anyway my point is I’ve always known my English was average and all but I just found out that I am shallow too?
I was surfing around trying to find more sophisticated words to replace the word ‘worry’ when I came across the word ‘Intercourse’. The immediate word that I linked ‘intercourse’ to was ‘Sex’ and following on; I realize I don’t know about any other meaning for that word.

Ehh…Is it me or is it just that this word has only one meaning?

Enlighten me prease u good English people out there!

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