Thursday, September 01, 2005

Comex 2005

Comex 2005 is here!

Hope i can get some great deals! So much electronics to buy.
Been wanting a laptop ever since the one Marker passed to me crashed 3 months ago right after i completed my new blogskin.
Been wanting a new digital camera too, since the current 3.2 Megapix Kyocera camera of mine SUCKED super big time. Ever since i got it, i've been to the repair centre 5 times and its only bloody hell 3 years old.
Frankly, I'm not too sure how long i had it and i cant really be bothered - FREAKY PIECE OF SHIT!

Can't wait to go Comex! Comex! Comex!

Yesterday while i was out with a few frens(names unmetionable due to our dark secrets!)we saw a NUT or some may call it balls and scientifically they call it testicles. So yup, we saw tht disgusting red round thing dangling in mid-air from an uncle's shorts. It was totally obscene!

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