Smurf can't breathe!

Dear bloggie.. What a day! I woke up at 10 today for the sake of KARAOKIE! I am so totally addicted to it! Hardcore addict! Was there from 11.30 till 2, KBOX Hougang with May aka Minieyes. We are both YAN ZI fan.. lolz.. First hour of our session was spent on her songs.
It was sort of a hectic day, travelling around sunny Singapore, from hougang.. SP.. SIM.. Orchard.. Home. Wasted quite a lot of money on transport and i pulled May into it as well.. Hehe..
After settling my school stuff, SHOPPING was next on our agenda! Spent the whole evening roaming the streets of orchard, shopping for her shorts and some thing for myself. After some 3 hrs of shopping and trying, we finally bought an item each. Girls, ain't we superb, walking aimlessly for hours and only gettin an item after goin thru sooo much choices and shops.
we took lots of photos too. All thanks to Nokia 1 megapix camera 7610, lookin forward to working on Sat when i can print out the pics we've taken.
Toilet shot

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