Seriously busy day today
Morning was workin at SMU sellin tablets. How heart-wretching, workin in a school which i so wanted to be a part of, lookin at all the freshies happily walking around and i'm not one of them..Hmm..
Went to catch Spiderman spiderman after work with Jon, Janice & Jimmy (Ehh all startin with J, hehe), all promoters from NOKIA. Overall feel? Not a bad show ah..Kristen Dunst is sooo pweety!
Zizi missing...Stella is found..
After de movie, i rushed down to de airport to send zizi off. I thot i will not be affected by the fact that she is leavin for aussie, but when we were right in front of the immigration doors, i could feel my tears. No parting is ever happy, even between friends.
Though it was a depressing to see a close fren leave, something good came out of this trip. Stella and i started chatting again, which is really great! I will be losing a close fren for 4 mths but i got back a fren who was once very dear to me. This is just the start, hope things will get even better between us both.
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Monday, June 28, 2004
Woah.. Finally had the chance to update my blog, had a really busy weekend working at Plaza Singapura. The best thing to happen was, I had Irene and Joshua with me! We were all workin in the Starhub shop, its so fun! The only bad thing is we tend to eat snake more, the 3 of us haha..
Times really passes when u are in a busy place.. PS starhub is freaking crowded, i had to force myself to leave my spot so that i can rest and breathe. Customers stream in like no body's business..
Though i was really busy, thankfully i manage to all print my photos..Cheeeepo me
Times really passes when u are in a busy place.. PS starhub is freaking crowded, i had to force myself to leave my spot so that i can rest and breathe. Customers stream in like no body's business..
Though i was really busy, thankfully i manage to all print my photos..Cheeeepo me
Friday, June 25, 2004
Smurf can't breathe!

Dear bloggie.. What a day! I woke up at 10 today for the sake of KARAOKIE! I am so totally addicted to it! Hardcore addict! Was there from 11.30 till 2, KBOX Hougang with May aka Minieyes. We are both YAN ZI fan.. lolz.. First hour of our session was spent on her songs.
It was sort of a hectic day, travelling around sunny Singapore, from hougang.. SP.. SIM.. Orchard.. Home. Wasted quite a lot of money on transport and i pulled May into it as well.. Hehe..
After settling my school stuff, SHOPPING was next on our agenda! Spent the whole evening roaming the streets of orchard, shopping for her shorts and some thing for myself. After some 3 hrs of shopping and trying, we finally bought an item each. Girls, ain't we superb, walking aimlessly for hours and only gettin an item after goin thru sooo much choices and shops.
we took lots of photos too. All thanks to Nokia 1 megapix camera 7610, lookin forward to working on Sat when i can print out the pics we've taken.
Toilet shot

Tuesday, June 22, 2004
22nd June. Mark's birthday, and i got a surprise gift! He has been lying to me for the past 3 months or longer? So he has been chattin online in IRC just like before, his excuse, IRC was his life for past 6 yrs, too used to it? Agnes used to be his life for his past 3 yrs? So? Whats so upsetting bout chatting on IRC? Its no big deal really, it only becomes a big deal when MARK was the one who specifically said he would stay clear off it, for my sake? BULLSHIT i must say. Apparently his suck cock buddies and online flirting are too important for him to lose, his life for de past 6 yrs. Blaming me for not trustin him enough thats why he had to go to such extend to hide it from me? Well, yupz its always my fault, always.
But i chose to stay eventually, god knows why? Maybe i just love to be tortured, maybe sub-conciously my views abt love is suffer under de hands of my lover. How am i goin to trust him ever? To him everything is a small issue, this is a small issue. His parents trust him. DUH~! He doesnt seem to realise that he is their only bloody son.
Gosh! I threw away a wonderful boyfriend and swap it for someone like this? My mum told me its my choice, she wun wanna get involve. Who else can i go to? So how should i move on?
Special thanks to his online buddies as well. They did a good job hiding and covering up for his ass. Ban me from irc to prevent me from lookin at the conversation they had. So drama!
Morning msg from MARKER> I'm sorry prissy, Don't give up on us.
Yup? I'm trying hard to believe. To think after all these have happened last, he still manage to cough out words like "i promise i won't chat in IRC again"??!!! Wahaha.. really "...??". He told me he's saving up for tickets for me to go over? Yup? He used to say that too, whenever we had quarrels in the past "I will get a ticket and fly back tomolo if u dun talk to me". Same thing, same empty promises, what else is new?
But i chose to stay eventually, god knows why? Maybe i just love to be tortured, maybe sub-conciously my views abt love is suffer under de hands of my lover. How am i goin to trust him ever? To him everything is a small issue, this is a small issue. His parents trust him. DUH~! He doesnt seem to realise that he is their only bloody son.
Gosh! I threw away a wonderful boyfriend and swap it for someone like this? My mum told me its my choice, she wun wanna get involve. Who else can i go to? So how should i move on?
Special thanks to his online buddies as well. They did a good job hiding and covering up for his ass. Ban me from irc to prevent me from lookin at the conversation they had. So drama!
Morning msg from MARKER> I'm sorry prissy, Don't give up on us.
Yup? I'm trying hard to believe. To think after all these have happened last, he still manage to cough out words like "i promise i won't chat in IRC again"??!!! Wahaha.. really "...??". He told me he's saving up for tickets for me to go over? Yup? He used to say that too, whenever we had quarrels in the past "I will get a ticket and fly back tomolo if u dun talk to me". Same thing, same empty promises, what else is new?
Monday, June 21, 2004
Feeling rather emotional. Just view Jo's blog, can sense the happiness that she is experiencing. Wonder will i ever get to experience same kind of happiness and love again.
This relationship with Mark has taught me alot of things, both good and bad. He taught me not to trust a person too much, coz when u have too much hope and trust in a person, u are bound to hurt urself very deeply when he disappoints you, even if its over a small matter. He taught me that love is never always a bed of roses and love doesnt mean being the one and only person in that person's life.
That is his perception of love. Not mine. But i am tryin to adapt, i hope.
He's coming back in another month time, most people comment would be 'thats good, things will be better when he is back'. Really? How do they know? What do they know? They dunno what i've been thru, they dunno the things that he did, the heartaches that i went thru, the tears that i have cried. They know nothing but i know they are trying to make me feel better, else wat else can they say? I know for myself how i was treated when he came back for his holidays last year. Looking back at what happened then, i get totally confused abt what exactly am i waiting for?
Sometimes i wonder how long more can i hang on? I'm dejected and depressed, my idealism has left me. Love? What is it all about?
This relationship with Mark has taught me alot of things, both good and bad. He taught me not to trust a person too much, coz when u have too much hope and trust in a person, u are bound to hurt urself very deeply when he disappoints you, even if its over a small matter. He taught me that love is never always a bed of roses and love doesnt mean being the one and only person in that person's life.
That is his perception of love. Not mine. But i am tryin to adapt, i hope.
He's coming back in another month time, most people comment would be 'thats good, things will be better when he is back'. Really? How do they know? What do they know? They dunno what i've been thru, they dunno the things that he did, the heartaches that i went thru, the tears that i have cried. They know nothing but i know they are trying to make me feel better, else wat else can they say? I know for myself how i was treated when he came back for his holidays last year. Looking back at what happened then, i get totally confused abt what exactly am i waiting for?
Sometimes i wonder how long more can i hang on? I'm dejected and depressed, my idealism has left me. Love? What is it all about?
Tired.. Flu for another day.. i've been breathing thru my mouth for the entire day and now my stomach feel so bloated. My nose feels as if i've stuffed cotton into it. I'm now onto my 6th cup of tea includin the one i had at mackers.
I was ON TIME for work!! This is something new. Work was boring as usual, losing the drive and it didnt help that i was sick. I think probably the only entertainin incident today was watching a salesgirl in the Nokia Care Centre flirt with my other nokia colleague, Jonathan. Lolz
My booth at causeway point NCC
Tonite will be my last nite spent with 7610.. Such a great phone, too bad i'm too poor to own one now. Great phone, big screen, 1 mega pix camera and so much fun features!
I was ON TIME for work!! This is something new. Work was boring as usual, losing the drive and it didnt help that i was sick. I think probably the only entertainin incident today was watching a salesgirl in the Nokia Care Centre flirt with my other nokia colleague, Jonathan. Lolz
My booth at causeway point NCC

Tonite will be my last nite spent with 7610.. Such a great phone, too bad i'm too poor to own one now. Great phone, big screen, 1 mega pix camera and so much fun features!
Sunday, June 20, 2004

My favourite of all shots

This is another of the pic taken by william and daniel.. Hehe it is digitally enhanced, so there is a tinge of fake-ness in this. But it is my favourite among all shots.
My flu just got worse today and i'm still struggling to work, for the sake of money. Gosh is this world cruel, no money = sad prissy, especially since i'm now paying for my own bills and travel expenses. This is so horrid wish i am still being sponsered by my parents.
My sats results came out last nite, I scored a pathetic 1050, really upset i didnt make de cut-off point of SMU..Feeling really dumb but wat can i do, wat has been done can no longer be undone, all i can do now is to pray that SIM will accept me. *crosses finger*
Friday, June 18, 2004

A few of de shots L to R: Irene & Me

Sick~ Bad day. Down with flu and migraine.. simply yucky feeling.. been sleepin de whole day and yet i still feel sick.. Even standin up is a problem..
It has been 2 days since i got the photos, the shot was GREAT! really really nice and the only spoiler was my scarred complexion..i dun tink i will ever look this good again man..
William called on Thursday, but this time he mention nothin bout the corporate photos and asked me if i wanted to go Malacca to take more pics. Its so weird that he is being so nice, especially since he's such an established photographer and has won rather prestigious award in photography. He's making me feel so so priviledge. Photo taking is fun! Hope de next session will be soon..
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
The earrings we made

Another monday.. still slackin ard after so long.. The weekend was terrible, in a bid to spite mark i got myself hurt too. This is so silly, getting myself so drunk over him and ended up spending my sunday feeling sick. Anyway i had fun today! Went out with irene and fwens to make earrings for charity! So amazing.. though it was our first time meetin each other, we manage to find topics to talk about. We worked HARD on making the earrings which are all for charity.. For de whole afternoon, we made a total of 1~! pair.. and, it was a combine effort of 3 of us girls, joyce, weiling and me.. so much for efficiency?
Friday, June 11, 2004
My first official post after so long. Still figuring out how do i use this blog. The past week could have been so much better, quarrelled with mark most of the time..Long Distance relationship sucks! Mark sucks too, fancy adding some unknown stranger whom he doesnt know and he still has the cheek to tell me, it becoz he can't be bothered with friendster? He thinks its a DARN GOOD valid reason? Hell NO it isn't! Its total CRAP! Pretended not to hear me when i question simply great actor i must say. Living the rest of my life with him has no longer became an item in my agenda, disappointment from him time and time again has worn me out. I really must start moving on. Hope someone better will come along and pick me out of this hellish relationship.
When will he learn? What is his reason? To boost his own EGO? I'm not a guy, guess i'll never know then..
When will he learn? What is his reason? To boost his own EGO? I'm not a guy, guess i'll never know then..
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Today was really fun.. Went out with Irene for some photo shoot thingy. Spent 2 hours posing around in front of the camera. Felt like some kind of model wannabe. And the two photographers Dennis and William they were really friendly and professional as well, throughout the whole photo shoot they were both SOooO generous with their compliments, constantly using the words "GOOD", "WOW", "BEAUTIFUL" on us both.. hahaha.. Seriously damn flattered though it did occur to me that these words were just their candies to make us feel more confident bout ourself! After the session william offered to do more shots for me in his studio! Hope he remembers it, SO Exciting!!!
After the shoot, we went to KBOX to chill and SANG in de lounge. Woah! First time in my entire 20 yrs, but the reason why i was so daring was there were no one in it and we only paid 5 bucks for aircon and songs.. looks like i found another good and cheap way to chill.
Following on after KBOX was dinner with Irene's fwen at Balestiar Ba Kut Teh and Harry Potter at Balestiar cinema. I saw BENEDICT GOH!! Man he is CUTE!! GORGEOUS!! WOOOO... Droolz~~~
After the shoot, we went to KBOX to chill and SANG in de lounge. Woah! First time in my entire 20 yrs, but the reason why i was so daring was there were no one in it and we only paid 5 bucks for aircon and songs.. looks like i found another good and cheap way to chill.
Following on after KBOX was dinner with Irene's fwen at Balestiar Ba Kut Teh and Harry Potter at Balestiar cinema. I saw BENEDICT GOH!! Man he is CUTE!! GORGEOUS!! WOOOO... Droolz~~~
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