Wednesday, December 12, 2007

about Granny's 75th Bday


Third highlight of the week was my granny birthday celebration! My Ah ma is 75 years old and to celebrate we had a nice sumptious dinner at a Tze Char restuarant in Bedok. Dinner was spent, chit-chatting with my cousins and watching how the older cousins tease the younger ones and how the younger cousin will fume and sulk and then serveral mins later, resume joking around and opening themselves to another round of teasing.

I love the fact that my parents makes the effort to strengthen ties with our extended family by organizing meetups and going back to my grandma's place every weekend. I've heard of many friends who tells me stories of how they only meet their cousins once a year, or things like not knowing their cousins' name and some even shared information of how there is a possibility that they might walk pass their cousin along the street and not know that they're related at all. I think thats so scary and worrying, whatever is happening to kinship?

So a short note to my dearest cousins:
I always have tonnes of fun whenever we are together and I'm glad that after so many years, we're still in close contact with one another. I would love to see you all grow up, get married, be around to see your baby when they appear and be updated on all the major milestones in your life.
Likewise, i would love to share all my life miracles with you all lets work towards making this happen ya? :) Love ya all. Muackz.

Our BIG family portriat

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