Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Bad Luck Chain

My luck seems to be getting from BAD to WORSE.

It started when i lose my wallet - and it continues on till now.
OH God, i hope this chain of misfortunes will not cause me my life! <-(Drama Mama Syndrome)

My second SIA interview was another real SUAY (hokkien for unlucky) event to add to the bad luck chain.
I was late for an hour, despite waking up early to prepare and leaving my house 45 mins earlier to catch a cab. I think i was a victim of a real cruel joke that day. Imagine waiting close to an hour for a cab! Even calling for a cab turned out to be hellish - all the cabbie hotline was engage that fateful morning.

At the training centre an hour later than the stipulated time. I went into the centre, got hurried into an area for the kebaya test and changed into a fitting kebaya which was too tight for me, but being already late, i didn't wanna risk being late for my turn to be scruntinize by two ladies - one: an ugly, sour-faced hag who appears to not know the meaning of SMILE or she's probably having an extreme bad case of PMS. The other lady was so much better compared to that scary hag.

Inside the checking room, the ladies were looking a me, asking me to turn around, walk, smile and stay still for them look and to tick on a checklist. No reasons were given after the rejection, i wonder what is written on there.
Wonder why i didn't make it - was it my bra? Coz I didn't wear push up?
could it be my moles? More than 5 molies in a square centimetres? thats why i failed?

Its frustrating and disappointing and its even worse when u dunno what went wrong. But no matter what - my chance of being a stewardess is over and ready to be archived. This experience has been enriching and fun for a while and now its back to my job.
Currently - I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping i will chance upon something even better oppurtunity.
I seriously hope the silver lining behind the dark clouds will come out soon, i'm starting to feel tired of encouraging myself.


Anonymous said...

no.. they dunno good opportunity when they see one, that's all.. well, you look best the way you are, no need for artificial enhancement.. cheers

Anonymous said...

looks like you've tried your best, pris. believe in yourself. there are better things installed for you in near future than these stuff. the bad luck chain will be broken.