So here's some random thought that came up when my mind went wandering:
1. Why do some people use their right hand to hold their mobile phone on the left ear, when their left hand is free or vice versa? Some even do it the more acrobatic way of raising their hand behind their head and hold it that way throughout the train journey.

2. PJ shared some prank about wearing an astronaut suit and then getting someone to fart into the air pipe and how the guy vomited in the suit coz he couldn’t take the smell. then i got thinking; has anyone ever fainted in the toilet because their own fart/crap was too smelly for themself to bear?
3.Shopping! I still havent got over this money-depleting, only-for-the-rich addiction. I need to stop thinking which style of shoe am i still lacking and i SO should have gotten that dress when it was available.

Now its sold out. Shatz. Life suck! -_-