To my dearest friends & family, no words can ever describe my gratitude & appreciation to you guys! Thank u so much for taking time off your work/ studies / activities to rush down to Mediacorp to support & watch me perform. It was an honour to be performing for you guys. :)
And to friends that messaged to support and encouraged me. I love you all!
Sorry i teared so uncontrollably on national TV after the results yesterday... i definitely am not trying to win sympathy ok! :P
My tears were 10% for being booted out and 90% for you my family and friends. I was overwhelmed, to see you all, people who are so dear to me cheering and supporting me on, despite already knowing that i was eliminated. and this i feel further up my emotions and tears
no doubt i was disappointed about being booted out, but after much thought i guess the person whose most qualified to be out was.... me.
I did my best and though it was not good enough for the judges, i felt it was a personal breakthrough, to stand on stage to perform for thousands out there (i dun even get the chance to present at work during meetings) and to smoothly deliver everything that i had train for - no hiccups during my dance and acting, and that night was my best. Hope you all did enjoy that bit.
Being the greenhorn that i am, i did not expect much. The only expectation of myself was that each time i stand on stage for the public, my friends and my family, i must do better than my previous and this i'm sure, i did it that night. From my first embarrassing stage appearance during the press conference, to my very last stage performance on the competition night, i can feel the difference and how i was growing less nervous with each chance that i have.
Hopefully, i will have the chance again to perform and continue to see myself grow in this aspect.
Being a top 20 was a already a very huge gift to me from the divine powers that i believe in. And I'm really thankful that i have this wonderful competition to mark as one of the milestone I've achieved in this lifetime.
An event which i can look back at when I'm older, smile and say "I pursued a dream & I got my chance of living it" :)
Live your dream people! Its wonderful to know that you made it happen!!
p.s This post was written many weeks ago but it will be what i feel for the rest of my life.