Got a sms from an unknown number, it went like this: "wanna come to my chinese wedding buffet on **July Sunday at my house".
My first thoughts were - who's this bloody prankster.
I remembered receiving a similar message of this sort, once, from a fren who gave some ambiguious date along with that message, thinking that it was this same fren i called back all geared up, to give him some piece of my mind for playing the same old trick on me AGAIN!
Budd this time, this message turns out to be a TRUE wedding invitation. Shocking!
Where are the days when parents have to tediously visit house-to-house to pass relative and friends the red wedding cards along with cakes. Erm.. wait, do they do this for wedding or for a baby's first month celebration?
Anyway back to point.
His is the second shot-gun(S-G) wedding i know and what is most shocking is that - his wedding is categorized under "Marriage at 21". I didn't confirm with him if its a S-G thingy but its obvious enough.
Who the hell would wanna get married at the age of 21? Especially when he's a male and he's serving the nation and only earn a meagre income? His pathetic paycheck might already have problem feeding himself let alone feed two others?
My assumption might be wrong(which i highly doubt), it might not be a S-G marriage afterall. But hey! i did do my research before making such unflattering comment k.
Right after i hang up the phone with Mr Bridegroom-to-be, I went to call up the rest of the gals - bitched and analyze(not that much analysis was needed) that it should be it la. Totally no one in the right frame of mind would wanna tie themselves down at 21, especially not this guy i know.
That being said, its scary how circumstances can force people to make such rash decision for a HUGE milestone of one's life. I pray to de Supreme power high above that non of my friends (myself included) will ever have to make such redundant, rash decision ever.
Take care dear frens and practice safe sex. =